Title: Lancia Fulvia Zagato series 2 tank sender unit Post by: MarkY on 13 December, 2015, 07:48:07 AM Does anybody out there have or know where I can get a fuel tank sender unit for my S2 Fulvia Zagato? Nearing completion now and this is one if the last parts......
Thanks in advance. Mark. Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia Zagato series 2 tank sender unit Post by: Parisien on 13 December, 2015, 08:27:54 AM Ask these guys?
http://www.ebay.it/itm/GALLEGGIANTE-SERBATOIO-BENZINA-PER-LANCIA-FULVIA-1100-2C-BERLINA-FLOAT-TANK-/281066997109?hash=item4170e60575:g:MH4AAOxy7q1RZCYN or http://www.ebay.it/itm/LANCIA-FULVIA-COUPE-GALLEGGIANTE-BENZINA-VEGLIO-NUOVO-/401006970652?hash=item5d5de0c71c:g:eQcAAOSw4SlV8Knb P Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia Zagato series 2 tank sender unit Post by: lancialulu on 13 December, 2015, 08:38:09 AM Second one looks correct from a distance. Any Veglia units from a s2/S3 sender will do from coupe or sport - same tank.