Title: S2 Fulvia HF Post by: winter on 14 December, 2015, 12:27:24 PM Looking for experienced company/person to refurbish seats in HF. Basingstoke/Newbuury area, all suggestions welcome.
Title: Re: S2 Fulvia HF Post by: lancialulu on 14 December, 2015, 02:38:05 PM Brian Cates did mine some 9 years ago and are still holding up well after 15000 miles. His email is zagatoseven@hotmail.com.
Title: Re: S2 Fulvia HF Post by: stanley sweet on 14 December, 2015, 06:12:39 PM Peter Harding is just outside Basingstoke. Don't have his details though.
Title: Re: S2 Fulvia HF Post by: Chris Hopkins on 16 December, 2015, 08:34:38 PM Peter Harding is in Alton, Classic Restorations 01256 766880
Title: Re: S2 Fulvia HF Post by: stanley sweet on 17 December, 2015, 10:02:34 AM Ah, he must have moved. I knew him in a tiny place off the A30. Still good for Basingstoke though.