Title: Bath Festival of Motoring 18th & 19th June Post by: neil-yaj396 on 15 January, 2016, 05:37:20 PM AT WALCOT RUGBY CLUB, LANSDOWN BATH BA1 9BJ Classic Cars, Classic Motorcycles, Autojumble, Trade Stands, Exhibits, Plenty of Entertainment, Food Court & Bar, Live Music Awards on both days FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY! CLUB STANDS & INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES F R E E (if you register before 1st June 2016) Free camping available on Friday & Saturday for Exhibitors ON LINE ENTRIES OPEN SUNDAY, 10 JANUARY 2016 www.bathfestivalofmotoring.com For any further information: info@bathfestivalofmotoring.com A charity event organised by the Rotary Club of Bath |