Title: Appia steering tie rod Post by: lancianut666 on 30 January, 2016, 12:55:08 PM Big ask but a consortium member in Austria needs a steering tie rod for a S2/5 axle RHD, contact me if you have/know of one for sale
Clarkey Title: Re: Appia steering tie rod Post by: lancianut666 on 07 February, 2016, 04:25:29 PM I think the previous owner has been in touch their ears must of been burning as they have found what seems to be a steering tie rod!! Result (I hope)
Clarkey Title: Re: Appia steering tie rod Post by: lancianut666 on 17 February, 2016, 09:03:27 AM Oops the axle is a Series 2 and the rod is a Series 1 so any suggestions how they can be linked up?