Title: Integrale Service Post by: gmhracing on 24 October, 2007, 02:10:20 PM Hello, can anyone recommend any garages for servicing Integrales in the Bromley, Kent area.
Graeme Title: Re: Integrale Service Post by: timuth on 24 October, 2007, 02:49:16 PM Not in Kent by any standard, but speak to Keith at auto integrale. He will be back this Monday.
http://www.auto-integrale.co.uk/index.htm Jim is there at the mo, all top blokes. Great service, I wouldn't take my Delta any where else.. All the people that use Evo Forum can't recommend him enough.. http://login.prospero.com/dir-login/index.asp?webtag=evoforum&lgnDST=http%3A%2F%2Fforums%2Edelphiforums%2Ecom%2Fevoforum Do not take it to Zagato Lancia in London, stay away from them..... Tim Title: Re: Integrale Service Post by: ColinMarr on 24 October, 2007, 03:09:12 PM Graeme,
Not far from Bromley is John Day’s TNI Motorsport near Brands Hatch, as advertised on the inside cover of Viva Lancia! Not that I own an Integrale, but I know that John has lots of experience with these and other fine Lancias. Good luck, Colin Title: Re: Integrale Service Post by: timuth on 27 October, 2007, 10:25:45 AM But most still go to Auto Integrale!
Title: Re: Integrale Service Post by: gmhracing on 01 November, 2007, 10:26:21 AM Thanks for the info.
Unfortunately Auto Integrale is too far away and not helped by the fact they do not open on Saturdays. I had forgotten about TNi Motorsport and will probably go there All the Best Graeme Title: Re: Integrale Service Post by: Neil Lewis on 01 November, 2007, 10:18:47 PM I try not to let anyone else look at my Integrale. Some of the garages my cars have been too before my ownership have done some very strange and worrying things. If there are going to be any mistakes made I would rather they were mine.
I have given up doing welding though... PS Why can I not enter an apostrophe character or cut and paste text??? Title: Re: Integrale Service Post by: Harvey on 02 November, 2007, 04:54:14 PM I don't know - why can't you enter an apostrophe or cut and paste text?
Oh. Was that not the start of some weird joke? :) Title: Re: Integrale Service Post by: Neil Lewis on 02 November, 2007, 07:37:32 PM I don't know - why can't you enter an apostrophe or cut and paste text? Oh. Was that not the start of some weird joke? :) Nope... Whenever I hit the ' (apostrophe) key yesterday, it launched a whole load of other windows from below. So I soon stopped but my post started to sound odd. Anyway, I can do it OK today''''' and cut and paste. So I don't know ??? |