Title: VIVA LANCIA Post by: LOFTUS on 21 February, 2016, 11:10:51 AM From reading the forum it appears that people are booking events that are in the February issue !
However my copy has yet to arrive and had the same problem this time last year when Sarah very kindly sent me her copy . Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: peterbaker on 21 February, 2016, 12:44:43 PM I seem to not have mine either.
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: Parisien on 21 February, 2016, 12:45:37 PM +1
P Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: lancialulu on 21 February, 2016, 03:56:04 PM Do not know why these have not been distributed as the distributor has had the list for since the 15th and we know the magazines have also been delivered with vital inserts..... We will put a call through on Monday.
As folk may know this is a busy time for membership and Sarah has tried to make sure the list is up to date with all new and renewed members so it avoids disappointment. We too are waiting to get the GNW details so we can book the event....... Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: m tulloch on 21 February, 2016, 04:08:06 PM And another ???
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: neil-yaj396 on 21 February, 2016, 07:52:26 PM Not got mine yet, suspect they will be arriving soon. I know there was a fair delay so the National Weekend papers could go in.
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: rogerelias on 21 February, 2016, 08:22:51 PM Re GNW I booked directly with the hotel,
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: lancialulu on 22 February, 2016, 09:17:17 AM Understand mail out happened last Friday so they should be coming through the letterboxes shortly.
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: chriswgawne on 22 February, 2016, 09:30:00 AM I have a horrible feeling that there will be one or two (probably older) members who do not use the forum but who wish to attend the SPR 2016 and who will be unhappy that the event is sold out before they have even received printed details through the post.
Chris Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: Parisien on 22 February, 2016, 01:29:53 PM Arrived this morning, an interesting edition
P Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: mikeC on 22 February, 2016, 01:43:07 PM I have a horrible feeling that there will be one or two (probably older) members who do not use the forum but who wish to attend the SPR 2016 and who will be unhappy that the event is sold out before they have even received printed details through the post. Chris Indeed; and not just those who don't access the Forum. I was relying on learning some specific details before I planned my year - there are so many events of various kinds that I was holding back until more information was published ... Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: Neil on 22 February, 2016, 03:04:07 PM My copy arrived, with Mr How's excellent cover photo on this months edition.
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: LOFTUS on 22 February, 2016, 04:08:34 PM My copy arrived today , so can now book the events !!!
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: Sliding Pillar on 22 February, 2016, 06:08:36 PM I have a horrible feeling that there will be one or two (probably older) members who do not use the forum but who wish to attend the SPR 2016 and who will be unhappy that the event is sold out before they have even received printed details through the post. Chris Most of the older members were the ones that prebooked the SPR before I sent details out! Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: rogerelias on 22 February, 2016, 07:41:47 PM Got mine today and only a day late as it usually arrives on a Saturday :)
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: Parisien on 22 February, 2016, 07:46:02 PM I quite like the new cover format, good content and plenty happening around the UK/Europe, plus lots in the adverts section of interest.
P Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: Charles on 08 March, 2016, 12:39:32 PM Mine has not arrived!
Title: Re: VIVA LANCIA Post by: Charles on 08 March, 2016, 02:22:35 PM Yes it has - 5 minutes ago!!