Title: 1966 fulvia coupe bonnett Post by: fulvia815 on 23 February, 2016, 01:37:53 PM Tall order I know but I am searching for a series 1 steel bonnett in repairable condition.
Can anybody help? Dave Title: Re: 1966 fulvia coupe bonnett Post by: roddy on 23 February, 2016, 05:27:09 PM Hello Dave
The Series 1 coupé has an aluminium bonnet, with a s/s centre strip (probably gives some strengthening?). Not impossible to weld up the holes for the strip which will then let it fit on a Series 2 car and look okay. The aluminium ones can 'tear' around the hinge plates area, and might need attention. Series 2 and 3 coupés have steel bonnets, but as you will know, are very prone to rot along the front due to moisture lying in the double skinned area. Omicron do (or used to?) patch part panels for across the front. I'm not being rude, but I would suggest that you try and find a S1 bonnet as being a much better choice than the later steel one, as well as lighter too. Sorry, but I can't help you out with sourcing one. Good luck, and regards - Roddy Title: Re: 1966 fulvia coupe bonnett Post by: fulvia815 on 24 February, 2016, 04:45:25 AM Hi Toddy,
Mine is steel. Apparently some were steel and I think the later series 1s were aluminium. I would really prefer aluminium. I have been offered one to my great surprise at a cost that was even more shocking. Have you seen any bonnets being offered in the past and noticed the price, I need to know a figure to guide me through. I have no clues on the current price. Title: Re: 1966 fulvia coupe bonnett Post by: fulvia815 on 24 February, 2016, 04:46:53 AM Predictive problem there Roddy, sorry .
Title: Re: 1966 fulvia coupe bonnett Post by: stanley sweet on 24 February, 2016, 10:17:31 AM I know it's not what you were asking for but I think Omicron also do fibreglass bonnet and boot lids. Lighter(?) and rustproof too if nothing else comes up.
Title: Re: 1966 fulvia coupe bonnett Post by: fulvia815 on 24 February, 2016, 04:38:26 PM Thanks very much.
Came across a few today, ranging from 500 to 2300 sterling. I shall probably go with Omicron who can repair existing one and I know that fits. |