Title: Flaminia GT or GTL Post by: simonandjuliet on 25 March, 2016, 10:18:52 AM I have a friend looking for a Flaminia Touring (GT or GTL) . He doesn't want a project and is aware of current market prices ......
Please let me know if you have , or know of, a Flaminia looking for a caring new home ! Thanks Title: Re: Flaminia GT or GTL Post by: chriswgawne on 25 March, 2016, 01:29:59 PM This wont help Simon......but at the Goodwood Members Meeting last weekend Jacky and I met a new Flaminia Touring GT ( 1960 single carb ) owner in the car park on Saturday. He was Argentinian living in Europe and he had just acquired his car in Holland which had been recently restored. The car was lhd and UK registered got the impression that the Goodwood Meeting was one of his first longish drives in the car and he was then off to Munich in it on the Monday. He said he had originally really wanted a Maserati but what with their prices and Flaminia prices generally rising so fast in the last couple of years and the fact that every time he saw a decent Flaminia for sale, by the time he had contacted the seller the car had been sold, he was especially pleased to have actually got a good car, albeit for a higher price than he originally wanted to pay.
I have since emailed him since suggesting he joins the LMC as there is a lot of useful Flaminia info on the Forum. Chris Title: Re: Flaminia GT or GTL Post by: simonandjuliet on 25 March, 2016, 01:50:28 PM Thanks Chris
My friend is similarly aware of the rising prices for Flaminias, so has started his search in earnest .... |