Title: Coupe Front Bumper Post by: BlueKSO on 03 April, 2016, 09:37:15 AM Re: 1963 PF Coupe
I'm just about to have my front bumper rechromed. Am I right in thinking that the lower front valence below the bumper has to be removed to be able to get to the bumper iron bolts, which in turn releases the bumper. Any advice would be gratefully received. Cheers, Peter Title: Re: Coupe Front Bumper Post by: brian on 03 April, 2016, 04:56:54 PM Yes - the valance is separatable and from memory not tricky!
Brian Title: Re: Coupe Front Bumper Post by: bobhenry999 on 03 April, 2016, 06:11:17 PM Yes, you do have to remove the front valance, but as Brian says, it`s not difficult. just be careful.
Bob Title: Re: Coupe Front Bumper Post by: BlueKSO on 06 April, 2016, 01:04:51 PM Thanks Bob and Brian. Nice to know I'm going in the right direction.
Cheers, Peter |