Title: Touring Factory - pics Post by: dannels on 23 April, 2016, 04:13:31 PM Hi All
Came across this great picture of Flaminias and Alfas leaving the Touring factory in the early 60s. Cheers Dave Title: Re: Touring Factory - pics Post by: frankxhv773t on 23 April, 2016, 07:31:02 PM They seem to be on railway tracks.
Title: Re: Touring Factory - pics Post by: the.cern on 23 April, 2016, 07:36:41 PM I think you are right Frank .... I think they are just shells, albeit fully fitted out.
Andy Title: Re: Touring Factory - pics Post by: stanley sweet on 27 April, 2016, 01:51:30 PM Strange Lancia logo on the truck - the way they've made the two 'A's taller the the rest.