Title: HF or Sport 5-speed gearbox Post by: Rosco on 03 May, 2016, 04:12:51 PM Hello all,
It may be a long shot but does anyone have a decent 5-speed HF or Sport gearbox hiding in the depths of their garage? Or alternatively, spare internals that've been whipped out? Specifically looking for decent 1st and 2nd cogs, and 1st to reverse and 2nd to 3rd hubs. If not, no probs. Back-up plan available! Cheers, Ross. Title: Re: HF or Sport 5-speed gearbox Post by: stanley sweet on 04 May, 2016, 11:43:24 AM Do you have a current Viva Lancia? I think there might be some gearboxes or parts for sale in there.
Title: Re: HF or Sport 5-speed gearbox Post by: Rosco on 04 May, 2016, 01:35:50 PM Yes, just arrived today. I think they're both 1.3 units ':O/
Ross. Title: Re: HF or Sport 5-speed gearbox Post by: Rosco on 11 May, 2016, 12:26:28 PM 5-speed 'box picked up from Neale Shepherd (late) last night ':O)
Ross. Title: Re: HF or Sport 5-speed gearbox Post by: Nick Longman on 20 May, 2016, 05:59:49 AM Hi Ross - I have one if you still need. Also various other bits and pieces.
Maidenhead. 07771 711750. Cheers, Nick |