Title: "Running boards" Post by: davidwheeler on 21 July, 2016, 12:44:53 PM I have a notion to make some running boards for my series I sedan. The amount of mud on the roads around here is considerable and splashes all up the doors and round onto the back lights. I was thinking vaguely of modifying VW ones. Has anyone any suggestions or experience?
Title: Re: "Running boards" Post by: Tony Stephens on 22 July, 2016, 09:21:23 PM I have a set of running boards I put on to my S1 from a scrap car some years ago, before I sold it.
Upon repurchase I do not think I feel the same way about it, and don't plan to refit them. Do you want them, David? No money, perhaps a swap for some part other which I need still! Title: Re: "Running boards" Post by: davidwheeler on 25 July, 2016, 08:20:31 PM Yes I would like them very much! What would you like in return?