Title: Fulvia S2 Coupe - bonnet safety catch Post by: nthomas1 on 01 August, 2016, 07:14:17 AM Does anybody have a bonnet safety catch for a Series 2 Fulvia Coupe? My car came with bonnet QR pins. The previous owner had removed the bonnet safety catch and didn't provide it with the car. I've tried Omicron and they don't have any. Attached is a picture from another Fulvia - taken at the AGM. The bonnet safety catch is the sprung lever on the left.
Title: Re: Fulvia S2 Coupe - bonnet safety catch Post by: Richard Fridd on 03 August, 2016, 08:09:13 AM Email sent Norm, one set of catches left in my autojumble @ £60 inc UK post
Title: Re: Fulvia S2 Coupe - bonnet safety catch Post by: nthomas1 on 03 August, 2016, 12:46:30 PM Hi Richard. Many thanks for the offer. If you don't mind, I'll hang on for a while to see if anyone has just the safety catch alone, as I already have all of the other pieces that you show in your photograph.
Title: Re: Fulvia S2 Coupe - bonnet safety catch Post by: rogerelias on 03 August, 2016, 08:31:53 PM OOOOH judging by the dirty bonnet piccy taken at the agm, looks to be mine :o
Title: Re: Fulvia S2 Coupe - bonnet safety catch Post by: nthomas1 on 03 August, 2016, 09:03:04 PM Well Roger - I didn't want to give you away, but now you've confessed!
For a small fee (unmarked notes) I can avoid posting further pictures of your car. |