Title: "Importing and driving a 500 back from Italy - advice" - Pistonhead thread Post by: Parisien on 09 August, 2016, 09:29:30 PM http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=23&t=1612078
Fulsome thread/post (6th down) by jackpe, about how to possibly drive/take your Lancia back!!! P Title: Re: "Importing and driving a 500 back from Italy - advice" - Pistonhead thread Post by: angelorange on 12 August, 2016, 05:53:57 PM Temporary import restrictions understood but permanent import should not be a problem. Drove to UK on import plates from Germany then registered with DVLA with car parked off road some moons ago. Same deal from NL.
Title: Re: "Importing and driving a 500 back from Italy - advice" - Pistonhead thread Post by: DavidLaver on 22 August, 2016, 07:11:53 PM Love the picture next to a Smart Car.