Title: Dedra spares on offer Post by: Mike8v on 15 November, 2007, 10:10:00 PM My brother-in-law has got a dedra that has been sitting outside his workshop for about a year now. He bought it for someone who turned out that he didnt want it >:(
He has asked me to try an sell it with no luck and having been sat for so long some of the local kids have messed around with it. The only thing I think they did was to smash the rear quater window and pinch the distributor and HT leads. Why kids would want to pinch those I have no idea but then kids are stupid LOL ;D. Anyway if anybody is needing any parts for there dedra then please get in touch because it wont be long before its sent to the scrapper :'(. Its a 1.6 H reg I think. The engine and gearbox was all working when left unfortunatly we cant start the engine ( stupid kids ) but we will be willing to break it up if needed. Most of the pannels are in good order though I think they might of been keyed but from what iv seen theres no rust or dents (if there is any rust then its minimal). The interior is all there although it needs a good clean (because of the lack of rear window) but that can be sorted. Any enquire's then please get in contact as I dont wont to see it go to waste. Cheers Mike |