Title: S1 Fulvia parts Post by: Andrew1950 on 26 August, 2016, 03:58:16 PM S1 Fulvia coupe garage clear out!
Front + rear seats + door panels (cream) in good condition (no cuts / stitching problems) £400 Front bumper - £150 Rear bumper - £150 Front bumper - £100 Wooden steering wheel - £200 Various pieces of bright work. Wooden dash (lhd/rhd) - £150 + lots of other parts from a dismantled S1 Fulvia coupe. Title: Re: S1 Fulvia parts Post by: CHENG on 28 September, 2016, 06:24:01 PM Hello, would you have any of the trim around the front and rear of the car still left for sale, many thanks