Title: Kent Italian Car Day photos (or lack of them) Post by: Mike Anderson on 04 September, 2016, 07:39:09 PM There were a few Flavia's at the Kent Italian Car Day which I snapped.I would post my snaps but haven't the computer knowledge how to do it? Any one who can help with easy to understand instructions thanks.
Title: Re: Kent Italian Car Day photos (or lack of them) Post by: sparehead3 on 04 September, 2016, 09:34:58 PM Hi Mike
Click on a rely, then there's an "additional options" with a +. Click on the Plus and select "Choose File" and this is where you'll select your camera images - which you need to load onto your PC / tablet Hope that helps ! Steve Title: Re: Kent Italian Car Day photos (or lack of them) Post by: Mike Anderson on 05 September, 2016, 08:09:26 AM Thanks Steve I'll give it a try later this morning, regards Mike.
Title: Re: Kent Italian Car Day photos (or lack of them) Post by: peteracs on 05 September, 2016, 04:37:02 PM Hi Mike
I transferred them all into one thread for you. Peter |