Title: Upcoming Local Meetings are now on the Website Main Page Post by: sparehead3 on 05 September, 2016, 11:14:28 AM Hi All,
For some time, the local meetings page on the website has shown the date of the next meeting : http://www.lanciamotorclub.co.uk/local.htm I've put an enhancement onto the database so that the local meetings will also show on the upcoming events section of the website main page ( we show the next five events and they churn through automatically http://www.lanciamotorclub.co.uk/ ). I'm hoping that this is a nice reminder that there's a meeting coming up - they'll appear in the week they happen and then re-appear next month at the right time. This is something that can be 'tweaked' to get reasonable output ( hopefully not to lose the other events - but you can always check up on the Full Calendar for those http://www.lanciamotorclub.co.uk/calendar.htm ) Local meetings can have a website which is usually a link to a Forum topic in our local events board - and they can be created if wanted - http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?board=32.0 - and can be updated by local members updating the Forum topic with any new information. |