Title: Loud buzzing from fuel pump area Post by: adamf on 13 September, 2016, 09:13:53 PM Hi guys,
Hope you're well, I've got my HF Turbo out on the road for a week of nice weather. Started it up only to hear a loud buzzing noise from the fuel pump area. It's been in a garage for a couple of months. The car has plenty of fresh fuel in it. Is the pump easy to get to and replace should I find it to be faulty? Any idea where to get a new one? Is there an inline fuel filter? If so where do i find it? I might go about replacing that first as I imagine its cheaper. Any thoughts welcome Adam Title: Re: Loud buzzing from fuel pump area Post by: lancialulu on 14 September, 2016, 10:27:35 AM Filter should be in the engine bay (Aluminium can size of red bull tin...). Pump is under the car I think at the back in a recess. You might want to change the fuel lines in this are while taking the pump out. You can find the right pump on ebay (10bar) such as this
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LANCIA-DELTA-I-1-6-HF-Turbo-19-1988-08-831-B3-000-103kW-ELECTRIC-FUEL-PUMP-/301742162523?fits=Car+Make%3ALancia%7CModel%3ADelta&hash=item46413c025b:g:GI8AAOSwuTxV-T0D But worth checking electrical terminations and in/out pipe sizes (generally 10 and 8 mm). Title: Re: Loud buzzing from fuel pump area Post by: neil-yaj396 on 15 September, 2016, 06:09:05 AM Has the pump actually stopped working? Or is it working but making an unusual noise?