Title: 2000HF Electronic Ignition Post by: Justin McArdle on 29 September, 2016, 01:08:18 PM I have been considering installing electronic ignition on my 2000HF and have briefly looked at 123 and Pertronix systems.
Anyone have any experience/thoughts on best options? Thanks Title: Re: 2000HF Electronic Ignition Post by: lancialulu on 29 September, 2016, 04:32:36 PM I have Luminition on both my Fulvias and I did fit a set to my Flavia but it did not run well so reverted to points. I subsequently learnt that it could have been a poor earth on the control box. I will be trying to fit it to my latest Vignale project but it is not high on the priority....
123 seems to be a very successful product, as is the Pertronix although some have had problems with the latter. Pertronix is cheap and keeps the standard dizzy and uses the same advance curve as a standard car. |