Title: Aurelia B20 Series 3 to 6 headlight rims Post by: chriswgawne on 06 October, 2016, 03:51:43 PM I have 5 steel and one brass headlight rims for disposal.
the brass one is perfectly useable as it is although the chrome is not perfect on very close inspection. Regarding the steel ones, each one needs some work but they are all worth saving in my opinion. The best one just needs stripping and replating. The 2nd best one is stripped and has surface rust which needs to be polished out before plating It also has a hole about 15mm long x 3 mm wide on the inside bottom rhd. The 3rd best one is distorted and needs reshaping then polishing then plating. The 4th and 5th steel rims have each already been replated in the past and they have both had slots 20mm wide and 10mm deep cut out of the inside edge at the very bottom just above the screw hole for some reason. One of these rims needs a little reshaping top rhs and they both will of course need replting. Again perfectly repairable and salvageable in my opinion. I have no idea of prices and ideally I would like one person to take the lot, maybe to improve their metal bashing and welding skills over the winter Any interest let me know and I will send you a photo. Title: Re: Aurelia B20 Series 3 to 6 headlight rims Post by: chriswgawne on 19 December, 2016, 02:35:37 PM All these rims have now found new homes. Thank you.
Chris |