Title: Scottish Area Christmas Luncheon Post by: A1.6HPE on 22 November, 2007, 10:03:36 PM Our Christmas Luncheon will be held at the same pleasant venue as last year. This was an easy decision following the general satisfaction last year. Donald Smith is co-ordinating the bookings and his contact details are in the back of Viva Lancia, under "Aberdeen".
The place: Birkhill, Dundee. The time: 1230 for 1300 hours on Sunday 16th December 2007. This not an expensive formal lunch, totally informal and cost in 20 gbp region. The venue is easily accessed from the Dundee by-pass. It is acceptable to arrive in a non-Lancia. Title: Re: Scottish Area Christmas Luncheon Post by: stuwilson128 on 17 December, 2007, 08:07:56 PM Thanks to Donald Smith for organising the Scottish Christmas Lunch. I travelled from Cumbria to Dundee for the opportunity to have a wonderful time with some great friends. It was unfortunate that there were a few last minute cancellations due to illnesses, but everyone present had a good time!