Title: Lancia Aurelia B20 nardi Carburettor kit weber 40 dcl 5 - on ebay, source, UK Post by: Parisien on 04 November, 2016, 01:32:16 PM http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/lancia-aurelia-b20-nardi-Carburettor-kit-weber-40-dcl-5-/322317020618?hash=item4b0b976dca:g:8H8AAOSwB09YHGOq
No comment .. ::) P Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia B20 nardi Carburettor kit weber 40 dcl 5 - on ebay, source, UK Post by: Neil on 04 November, 2016, 01:41:44 PM How much??!
Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia B20 nardi Carburettor kit weber 40 dcl 5 - on ebay, source, UK Post by: Parisien on 04 November, 2016, 01:50:31 PM How much??! ....isn't that the old Preston joke punch line..... ;D P Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia B20 nardi Carburettor kit weber 40 dcl 5 - on ebay, source, UK Post by: chriswgawne on 04 November, 2016, 05:44:29 PM The asking price at Padova this year by a known bona fide trader for one good Weber 40DC was 3,500 euros.
Chris Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia B20 nardi Carburettor kit weber 40 dcl 5 - on ebay, source, UK Post by: chriswgawne on 26 October, 2018, 10:26:56 AM Yesterday which was the preview day at Padova, the same well known ( mentioned earlier) bona fide trader's asking price for a Weber 40DC type carburettor was €4,500.
He had a number for sale - DCF (which are more expensive), DCZ and DCL. Chris Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia B20 nardi Carburettor kit weber 40 dcl 5 - on ebay, source, UK Post by: Parisien on 26 October, 2018, 10:47:42 AM Yesterday which was the preview day at Padova, the same well known ( mentioned earlier) bona fide trader's asking price for a Weber 40DC type carburettor was €4,500. He had a number for sale - DCF (which are more expensive), DCZ and DCL. Chris And here's me thinking inflation was 2.2%, versus Aurelia inflation of 25% plus! Any other shocks Chris, or even semi expected increases since last year or if you can recall compared to five years ago? P Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia B20 nardi Carburettor kit weber 40 dcl 5 - on ebay, source, UK Post by: chriswgawne on 26 October, 2018, 12:00:13 PM If the cars go up in price Frank, good original spare parts will surely follow. No more complicated than that in my view.
The number of available B20 'projects' is tiny (because they have all been bought and have been or are being restored) and I believe there is a move away for cheap repro parts towards good original parts whether restored or not. With Weber 40DC type carbs, dont forget there is a healthy demand from the Ferrari community for these as there is a particular 12 cylinder model which used just 1 carb back in the day but the fashion now is to fit 3 carbs. And many newly restored B20/B24s are being fitted with twin carb Nardi conversions. At the moment the supply of new 'cowhorn' top radiator water manifolds for this conversion seems to have dried up as there is no stock anywhere. Chris |