Title: Ben Fogle - New Lives in the Wild. Post by: GialloHPEIan on 08 November, 2016, 10:59:23 PM I was watching tonights episode on Channel Five featuring a young couple who set up a new life for themselves in Hungary on a budget of £3000. The girls South African mother came to visit and Ben quizzed her on her privileged lifestyle where she announced she drives a "Ferrari AND a classic Lancia". Sadly, no more details as to which model etc.....
Ian (6610) Title: Re: Ben Fogle - New Lives in the Wild. Post by: the.cern on 09 November, 2016, 02:39:29 AM That Fogle bloke needs to get his priorities right ...... he needs to know what are the critical areas where further questioning is required!!!!
Seriously, I think that series is great. It is astonishing what people adapt to in a change of lifestyle from our cushioned norm. Unfortunately the tv is playing up at the moment so although I knew it was on, I was unable to watch it. Andy |