Title: Unusual Lancia convertible Post by: stanley sweet on 09 November, 2016, 11:00:31 AM Got to this link through the latest Veloce Today. One is an Artena Drophead. I'm no expert on Artena's so don't know how rare that is. But I don't recognise 577TPL at all. Has all sorts of styling cues from different cars of the period. What is it? Is it still around? The site specialises in old photos of cars and says most of them were taken at the Jack o 'Lantern wherever that is?
http://www.rick-ford.co.uk/cgi-bin/easysys.pl?prc=main&arg9=home Title: Re: Unusual Lancia convertible Post by: ColinMarr on 09 November, 2016, 12:32:25 PM The Jack o'Lantern was the name of a garage on the road through the New Forest, east of Ringwood. I used to pass by in my early days of driving and sight of some of the cars lined up by the road enriched my journeys. See: http://www.woodleynet.co.uk/jol.htm
Colin Title: Re: Unusual Lancia convertible Post by: Sliding Pillar on 09 November, 2016, 12:39:11 PM 577TPL is an Abarth Allemano convertible
Title: Re: Unusual Lancia convertible Post by: stanley sweet on 09 November, 2016, 02:19:34 PM Beautiful car. Yes - on reading up some other cars the Jack o' Lantern was (is?) at Romsey.
Title: Re: Unusual Lancia convertible Post by: Derek Moore on 09 November, 2016, 02:55:48 PM Great photos, keep 'em coming.
Title: Re: Unusual Lancia convertible Post by: donw on 11 November, 2016, 09:53:34 AM I remember the R-R armoured car it was for sale £150 there was also a 4 1/2 supercharged Bentley for the same price when I stopped for petrol in my Aprilia (worth £150 then!) on my way to Beaulieu for an early autojumble in the early sixties.
Title: Re: Unusual Lancia convertible Post by: stanley sweet on 11 November, 2016, 10:14:34 AM There's a few RR tow trucks shown too. Happy days.