Title: FFFEAR 2017 Provisional Post by: lancialulu on 24 November, 2016, 05:58:33 PM The following announcement will be coming out in the next VivaLancia:
FFFEAR 2017 22-24 September - Provisional Due to other events I am looking to move FFFEAR (Fulvia, Flavia, Flaminia East Anglian Raid) to September. I need to know if this is potentially acceptable. Please Email me tim348@aol.com before the end of December if you would like to participate. Open to all Fessia cars, and based in Suffolk. Cost about same as last year (c£350). If there is sufficient interest I will post further details in the New Year As it says - please email me if you would like to participate. Thank you. Tim and Sarah Title: Re: FFFEAR 2017 Provisional Post by: sparehead3 on 09 January, 2017, 12:40:05 PM See http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=9385.0 for the official thread on this event