Title: 1939 Astura in Malaga Post by: nthomas1 on 22 January, 2017, 06:13:10 PM I attended the Malaga Retro classic car show and auto jumble today. As in previous years, there was a small display of cars from the collection of the Museo Automovilistico in Malaga, and one of the three cars was a stunning 1939 Castagna bodied Astura. As this car is on public display I imagine it is well known to forum members but I thought I'd show a few of my pictures anyway.
The display card stated (verbatim): “Lancia Astura 1939, V8 84hp 3000cc. The Last Work of Vincenzo. This model was customised for an Italian Countess of the high society, where the famous coach builder, Castagna, did a wonderful work, both inside and out, elegant upholstery, a wooden dashboard and its boudoir with perfumes and make up jars in the back seats.” How many Lancias can boast a boudoir! Title: Re: 1939 Astura in Malaga Post by: lancialulu on 22 January, 2017, 06:19:19 PM Gorgeous darling!