Title: Series 3 "Tipo Bocca" at Sotheby's Amelia Island auction Post by: nthomas1 on 27 February, 2017, 04:18:32 PM Today's edition of the Sports Car Digest newsletter features some of the cars to be auctioned in March at Amelia Island. To me the highlight is the "Tipo Bocca" Astura. I draw your attention to this because of the 30 or so high definition photographs of the car, including 3 of it back in the 1930s. The pictures can be seen at the Sotheby's website at rmsothebys.com. I've included one as I'm sure Sotheby's won't mind me publicising the auction!
Title: Re: Series 3 "Tipo Bocca" at Sotheby's Amelia Island auction Post by: DavidLaver on 27 February, 2017, 10:59:43 PM http://www.rmsothebys.com/am17/amelia-island/lots/1936-lancia-astura-cabriolet-series-iii-tipo-bocca-by-pinin-farina/1701694
Title: Re: Series 3 "Tipo Bocca" at Sotheby's Amelia Island auction Post by: DavidLaver on 27 February, 2017, 11:03:55 PM The steering column is unusual. Is the grill badge a one off? Seemed unfamiliar. Title: Re: Series 3 "Tipo Bocca" at Sotheby's Amelia Island auction Post by: lancianut666 on 23 September, 2017, 07:40:49 PM sold for over $2million