Title: Stuck again - any idea how to remove these? Post by: cyborg7 on 28 March, 2017, 09:26:37 PM Any ideas how to remove the following please? (I'm making painfully slow progress stripping the car for a respray so any suggestions v. gratefully received):
1) stainless trim on the door (I thought removing the guttering was going to be the worst, but this has really stumped me) & 2) windscreen wiper bases (is this just a case of yanking them off the rubber seals - can't see anything else to undo beneath) Thanks Title: Re: Stuck again - any idea how to remove these? Post by: lancialulu on 29 March, 2017, 06:16:43 AM You should be able to tap the wiper shafts down through the rubber seals.
Re door trim I seem to remember you need to remove the window glass and quarter light then look for some tiny securing self tappers that go through from the inside through the fuzzy outer glass seal then it pulls off vertically with a bit of persuasion. Title: Re: Stuck again - any idea how to remove these? Post by: frankxhv773t on 29 March, 2017, 05:40:31 PM Usually the ferrule round wiper spindles just pulls off and the rubber lifts away too. You can then put masking tape round the spindle to save removing the wiper mechanism if you don't want to go that far. Removing the ferrule should leave a gap round the wiper spindle so you can paint right up to the edge of the panel. (Knowing my luck a Fulvia will prove to be unusual.)
Title: Re: Stuck again - any idea how to remove these? Post by: davidwheeler on 29 March, 2017, 06:08:56 PM Yes, you need to grovel under the scuttle to remove the spring clips on the cranks ideally but it is possible (at least on the Sport) to pull it all out downwards with the connecting rods still attatched though it all fouls the bulkhead just to make things Lancia. I imagine there s a lot of hardened rubber hanging on like grim death to the spindle though. I did not do this on my Coupe which is a bit different so I don't know for sure about the ferrule.
Title: Re: Stuck again - any idea how to remove these? Post by: cyborg7 on 29 March, 2017, 08:39:05 PM Thanks all. Success with the wiper ferrules - brute force did it as the rubber was like rock, but useful / reassurring to know that pulling them was the way.
As for the window trim, I was hoping to avoid removing the glass as I'm sure I've read on the forum that removing the glass is last resort as it can be extremely difficult to get back in properly. I was dreading that might be the answer, but I think you're right that there can't be any other way. Thanks for all the suggestions. Title: Re: Stuck again - any idea how to remove these? Post by: DavidLaver on 31 March, 2017, 07:30:45 AM Respray? I guess it has its faults not apparent in the photos... Title: Re: Stuck again - any idea how to remove these? Post by: cyborg7 on 31 March, 2017, 08:16:00 PM Respray? I guess it has its faults not apparent in the photos... |