Lancia Motor Club

General => Press/Media: Lancias mentioned, seen or wanted! => Topic started by: GialloHPEIan on 31 March, 2017, 01:40:22 AM

Title: Wheeler Dealers Integrale.
Post by: GialloHPEIan on 31 March, 2017, 01:40:22 AM
Sad to see Edd China leaving Wheeler Dealers but to break the news on the website home page they are featuring the Delta Integrale. Interesting that this was the car chosen from all the cars featured on the show over the years.


Ian (6610)

Title: Re: Wheeler Dealers Integrale.
Post by: Paul Greenway on 01 April, 2017, 02:40:21 PM

Always makes me laugh that programme, when selling on they never account for any of Mike's/Ed's or the painters time/labour costs.
Unless you are a great jack of all trades and consider your own time free of charge, then you'd barely make a penny on any of the projects they've undertaken.