Lancia Motor Club

General => Press/Media: Lancias mentioned, seen or wanted! => Topic started by: fay66 on 21 June, 2017, 11:36:32 PM

Title: From Autouniversum, should raise the blood pressure a touch!
Post by: fay66 on 21 June, 2017, 11:36:32 PM   :o

8227 8)

Title: Re: From Autouniversum, should raise the blood pressure a touch!
Post by: Neil on 22 June, 2017, 06:02:23 AM
One way to shed weight!

Title: Re: From Autouniversum, should raise the blood pressure a touch!
Post by: Sebastien on 22 June, 2017, 08:15:15 AM
Film is there:
