Title: Lancia Beta (the one Clarkson used) Post by: inthedark on 02 January, 2008, 06:11:30 PM Probably one for our Mr. Collins
Advertised on e-bay item 220188063706 Lancia Beta Coupe -- as used by J Clarkson -- location - Botswana price £3000. plus (reserve not met) and you pay the transport/shipping Any offers Title: Re: Lancia Beta (the one Clarkson used) Post by: m tulloch on 02 January, 2008, 10:00:29 PM :o £3000!!!!!!! At that price, I'll have 2!! :D
Title: Re: Lancia Beta (the one Clarkson used) Post by: toby2449 on 03 January, 2008, 01:25:30 PM if i only had a spare £3000! ;D Title: Re: Lancia Beta (the one Clarkson used) Post by: rogerelias on 04 January, 2008, 01:20:03 PM I'll wait until they ask for my bank details ;) ;)