Title: 1953 Lancia D24 Spyder Evocation, looks delightful. Post by: Parisien on 29 August, 2017, 08:44:38 AM http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1953-Lancia-D24-Spyder-Evocation-perfect-transport-for-Goodwood-Revival-/142489868946?hash=item212d0eda92:g:UW4AAOSwLzhZpJxt
A fulsome write up and explanation behind this recreation, is the car or seller known to the LMC, must say it looks so very desirable! P Title: Re: 1953 Lancia D24 Spyder Evocation, looks delightful. Post by: lancialulu on 29 August, 2017, 11:05:24 AM Not sure it is owned by a LMC member. Anyway it will probably say Triumph Herald in the V5........ It is good but not quite doing it for me as a D24
Title: Re: 1953 Lancia D24 Spyder Evocation, looks delightful. Post by: stanley sweet on 29 August, 2017, 02:32:27 PM I think Brian posted this some time ago at a meet somewhere. Could always drop an Aprilia engine in and make a nice little Etceterini.
Title: Re: 1953 Lancia D24 Spyder Evocation, looks delightful. Post by: Dikappa on 29 August, 2017, 07:33:28 PM In my opinion things like that shouldn't be wearing Lancia badges...as they are the only 'lancia' thing about it.
Title: Re: 1953 Lancia D24 Spyder Evocation, looks delightful. Post by: frankxhv773t on 29 August, 2017, 08:21:31 PM I'm pretty sure that is a Samio Spyder kit car which is an "evocation" of a 1950s Ferrari. It's quite nice as kit cars go and they do versions to be based on Triumph Spitfire, Herald and Vitesse as well as Citroen 2CV and Reliant Scimitar.
Title: Re: 1953 Lancia D24 Spyder Evocation, looks delightful. Post by: fay66 on 29 August, 2017, 11:26:00 PM I think Brian posted this some time ago at a meet somewhere. Could always drop an Aprilia engine in and make a nice little Etceterini. Spot on Stan,Yes I saw it at Vesuvios Italian car day last year, it really looks the part and is beautifully made, Can't say I was originally impressed with the Triumph straight six, but if I remember correctly it's been breathed on, and has ample performance, Yes, a Lancia engine would be great, but I'd settle for it as is, it's a lovely piece of eye candy. For most people the real thing is a pipe dream, at least with this one you'd be half the way there, at considerably less than half the price of the real thing. :D Reading Franks post 'm pretty sure this is a Samio spyder Kit. I thought the owner told me it was a GT6 engine. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: 1953 Lancia D24 Spyder Evocation, looks delightful. Post by: stanley sweet on 30 August, 2017, 09:35:18 AM Brian, did the owner explain why he homed in on Lancia? It's such a generic 50's shape it could almost be badged as anything. I notice he seems to be building a Speedster in the garage shot.
Title: Re: 1953 Lancia D24 Spyder Evocation, looks delightful. Post by: mikeC on 30 August, 2017, 10:42:12 AM It is, indeed, a Sammio Spyder; nice ones like this typically sell for around £8,000, so his £24,000 figure is extremely optimistic! Triumph Vitesse Mk2 and GT6 engines are identical (except the GT6 had a chromed rocker cover instead of black painted) - it would be a nice car at the right price.
He mentions in his sales pitch that he dismissed the idea of a Porsche 356 Speedster replica as being too small and beetle-based, and then goes on to explain he is selling the Sammio because he's building a Porsche 356 Speedster! Confused? |