Lancia Motor Club

General => Press/Media: Lancias mentioned, seen or wanted! => Topic started by: ColinMarr on 24 October, 2017, 07:51:38 AM

Title: The Guardian – today and 21 October
Post by: ColinMarr on 24 October, 2017, 07:51:38 AM
The travel section of The Guardian last Saturday, 21 October had an article about Bologna and the Emilia Romagna region. It was a good article with some mouth watering descriptions, and at the end there was a suggestion to visit Modena’s Museo Enzo Ferrari, complete with a photograph of a D50! See photo.

This was picked up in the letters page today, which includes a letter from Peter Collins of Bromley, Kent, who pointed out the “deep irony in the picture”. See photo.

Title: Re: The Guardian – today and 21 October
Post by: lancialulu on 24 October, 2017, 07:21:27 PM
This is bizarre as Sarah and I visited the Modena Ferrari museum yesterday and not a D50 in sight. Indeed the exhibition was centred on Ferrari road cars that A list folk have patronised. Some tasty metal and plastic but the Grauniad seems to be out of date.....