frying tonight Lee , (you surely will...)
I hope this isn't the product of another Lancia marketing department analysis.
Sales figures demonstrate the need for a new segment perhaps?
In fact is segment fullfillment not really the problem with modern cars in general.?
They are designed from perceived market trends rather than from the heart.
What we all want is a devil may care engineers car that goes like hell and takes little account of convention but is just great and receives acclaim from all that drive it. (and who cares about market share!)
What we get are compromise ideas based primarily on what will gain specific sales in particular segments.I suspect it's the equivelent of the saying "a donkey is a horse designed by a committee"....
Mayby fiat should accept Lancia as a idiosyncratic niche provider and just make low volume , higher priced specialist vehicles without compromise.In the long term , I think they would gain more respect. just maintaining an existence without retaining any spirit is the road to anonymity.