That'd be me who posted the reply. They are retail prices plus VAT. With a dealer discount they would cost about 175 plus VAT. Not cheap, but at some stage they will be very hard to get new. Depends on how much you value a Thema I suppose.
I dont know how the Fiat system in the UK works, but in Ireland we get a varied discount rate from Fiat depending on the part. Fast moving parts get a higher discount and slow or 'non captive' part get a lower discount. We (Dealers) have a sort of agreement so we pass on a higher rate of discount to each other than the trade would get. Its not a cartel, just a loose agreement which allowed smaller dealerships who would not carry large stocks to get a good rate from the larger dealers who had in turn larger stocks.
What the Lancia Club could do is get a dealer(s) to pass on a set rate to the club. This is what I do for club members in Ireland. In some cases they can expect up to 50% discount or at most 30%. I dont make a lot out of it, but as the Club is small, and Lancia parts sales are in turn small it does not affect us much. Its more a service then a profit thing. The only delay involved is for me to get large discounts from Fiat I have to include the parts as part of a larger order, which could take 7 to 10 days to arrive.
What you really need is a member who works in the parts dept of a Fiat dealership. As I'm the only member in Ireland in such a position its a no brainer....