Author Topic: thema windscreen removal  (Read 4865 times)

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thema windscreen removal
« on: 30 July, 2010, 11:47:48 AM »
I have sadly lost the barn storage facility for my series 1 Thema (complete but with a broken engine if anyone is interested) so before it gets taken off to the scrapper I thought I would try to salvage the windscreen and several other bits and pieces.
Does anyone have experience of taking out an old screen and if so what are the tips? Hope to see some of the fellow afflicted at Chatsworth if the station wagon gets through the MOT. Rgds., Murf.


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Re: thema windscreen removal
« Reply #1 on: 30 July, 2010, 07:10:04 PM »
I have removed a few screens from Thema's, the last one was no problem, it was a replacment (non origional) screen, this one came out very easy, i used a sharp stanley concave blade, made a series of cuts around the inside of the screen scoring deeper and deeper all the time, now you have to push rather hard on the knife. Release the screen around the top first and then slowly prize it forward from inside. This works. On the other hand I removed a screen from another car, it was an origional fit and it required a lot more effort.  I put hhis screen away in the shed as you do only to break it a few weeks later while pulling out some trim . Murphys law!! David. :o
« Last Edit: 30 July, 2010, 07:12:25 PM by HF_Dave »
My Current Cars:

1991 Thema station wagon
1989 Thema 16v
2011 Lancia Delta 3

1977 Beta sedan 2000
1975 Fulvia S3 1.3
1973 Flavia HF 2000 Coupe
1972 Fulvia S2 1.3
1989 Thema 8.32
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2018 Alfa Giulia
1999 Alfa 156
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Re: thema windscreen removal
« Reply #2 on: 31 July, 2010, 12:24:28 AM »
I have sadly lost the barn storage facility for my series 1 Thema (complete but with a broken engine if anyone is interested) so before it gets taken off to the scrapper I thought I would try to salvage the windscreen and several other bits and pieces.
Does anyone have experience of taking out an old screen and if so what are the tips? Hope to see some of the fellow afflicted at Chatsworth if the station wagon gets through the MOT. Rgds., Murf.
Hi Pete,
A piece of strong cheese wire, 2 x wooden handles so it doesn't slice your fingers off, poke a hole through the seal, insert the wire, add the handles, one inside and one outside, 1 person inside & 1 outside, and gradually work like a two handled saw working your way around the screen, takes a bit of time, but usually works.
I thought we covered this subject not too long ago?

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Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
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Re: thema windscreen removal
« Reply #3 on: 31 July, 2010, 09:38:11 AM »
Thank you guys for the suggestions I am going to have a go at this one evening next week so I will let you know how things progress.
You are right Brian, we did cover this some time back but unfortunately my home computer died recently and for technical reasons far beyond my understanding I seem to have lost access to a lot of my old yahoo stuff that was on it. I'm sending this out via the office system and am on my way to David Thomas to pick up the stationwagon which he has been working on for the past few day. Dread to think what the bills going to be but it does come with a new MOT so I guess thats a result. Kind regards, Murf 


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Re: thema windscreen removal
« Reply #4 on: 31 July, 2010, 10:23:53 AM »
Hope everything is OK with the Thema Wagon, I was in Davids on Wednesday to pick up a friends Silver Fulvia with SA plates, it's been in there for sometime, having things put right that should have been ok when he bought it.
Unfortunately I didn't go into the workshop so I missed your estate, Damn!
Know how you feel with your PC I lost a huge amount last year when mine crashed, the most annoying thing was that my 500GB Maxtor stand alone hard drive, was supposedly working correctly, and backing up every day, but it wasn't, although it was going through the motions >:(

8227 8)
Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer
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Re: thema windscreen removal
« Reply #5 on: 04 August, 2010, 01:55:05 PM »
Well the bad news is that I have given up on trying to get the windscreen out. The main obstacle to my efforts was the complete refusal of the demister panel to come out in spite of severe leverage abuse with large screw drivers. It seems to have large fixings securing it which would have been put in place prior to the install of the screen.
The good news is that I have managed to strip all the other bits out of the car that I wanted so I now feel that the blown engine aside it was still a worthwhile buy. It just seems a pity to have to scrap a perfectly good bodyshell/running gear but I would certainly end up in deep trouble if I attempted to keep whats left at home. I get enough flak about why I need to run two themas and keep a fulvia 'project' in a tent in a hidden corner of the garden!!! Murf.