I will be reserving a number of seats San Marco in Hersham (KT12), I have included a copy of the previous Sunday menu, the price is still £12.95 + 10% service (£14.25) for adults for two courses, usually we get a special price for children. Drinks, wine, coffee and extra courses such are charged as extra items. It is a family event so more the merrier, if you would like to come along on Sunday 16th December at 12.30pm, I'll be there at 12, parking is right outside if you have been before.
This is a past menu as an example, there is a more expensive Christmas menu if you would to see that I can get a copy and send on later.
Could let me know if you like to attend to ensure we have sufficient tables booked. Also please let any other local members you know who I have may missed if they would like to attend.
You don't need to let me know of your choice (but some indication would be useful if you know) or make any payment in advance.
Neil Sims (Surrey Lancia : surreylancia@ntlworld.com)