I have been asked about registering the club for these events by a member.
It requires a volunteer and at least 10 members buying discount tickets to get a club parking area.
I know this is popular with members but as I am not local I cannot put myself forward to organise.
If a member would like to pick this up on behalf of the club please do so and let this thread know. The cut off date for next event (January 6th - which is a committee meeting date) is 17th Dec 2018.
BTW note each event needs to be individually registered (by the deadline relevant to the event) if the club want cheaper tickets and club space. It is a great venue to promote the club.
Please see the following:
Thank you for your enquiry, we would be very happy to see the Lancia Motor Club here for the 6th January Sunday Scramble. Please see below details of the club deal and how to register. We do require a separate registration for each event and I can add you to the mailing list to be sent the registration form a few months before each Scramble, which run three times a year. The other Scramble dates for 2019 are 28th April, Drive it Day, and 6th October.
Registration enables your club members to benefit from advance discounted online tickets and the option to park in your own club display parking area (subject to minimum vehicle numbers).
The advance online club offer is 50% off the gate price which is £10 per person, making a Club Member ticket £5 per person (plus an online booking service charge). Under 16s are free of charge (accompanied by an adult ticket holder) and a standard advance online adult ticket is £8 (plus the service charge).
If you would like to register your club for this event, please complete and submit the registration form via the link below. Please include a link to the page on your club website where the scramble will be listed, we will add this link to the Bicester Heritage event page for your club members to use. Please note, the deadline for registrations is the end of Monday 17th December and club ticket sales close at midnight on Tuesday 1st January 2019 (subject to availability). After 1st January members attending in a pre-1990 vehicle may still purchase discounted 'Classic Vehicle' tickets, but these won't have space allocated for them in the club parking display area.
The minimum requirement to qualify for a club parking display area is 10 club appropriate vehicles, unfortunately we will be unable to allocate a club parking display area for those clubs who do not have this number of vehicles booked using their club discount code. We also require a named club representative who will be here on the day to organise the club parking display. Please see the club registration form and Bicester Heritage website for details.
Sunday Scramble Club Registration 6th January 2019 ------ https://form.jotformeu.com/83126114872353
Clubs are welcome to use flags and gazebos to promote themselves within their club display area but will need to have their own public liability insurance to cover any damage caused should any of these items fall or blow over. Please note that if you wish to do this, we will require a copy of your public liability insurance and a risk assessment.
When the completed form has been received, processed and confirmed I will be in contact to let you know and send your club discount code. Tickets for this event are on sale now via the Bicester Heritage website.
If you have any further questions, please contact me.
Best wishes