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Author Topic: Re: Stabilimenti lancia of borgo san paolo are being knocked down  (Read 2112 times)
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« on: 15 August, 2011, 02:19:10 AM »

                  Re: Stabilimenti lancia of borgo san paolo are being knocked down,

Here's what my Google translator makes of it!
This is where the Lancia Collection was situated when we visited in 2004.
As usual sold out to the developers with broken promises and very little in return for the local population

Green light for ex-urban variation Lancia factory in Borgo San Paolo
Council backs town planning for the former variant plants Launch of Borgo San Paolo, an area between the streets Monginevro Issiglio, Caraglio and Lancia. The 56,000 square meters for which the intervention will be demolished to make room for a 50% to buildings and new road systems, while the remaining part, of historical, architectural, will be restored. Area arise, among others, two new tower buildings, a maximum of 18 floors (not to exceed the old high-rise Lancia). The intended use will be for 80% residential and the remaining 20% dedicated to service sector and small businesses. With this, the City of Turin incamererà five million for development rights. A group of citizens, the "Committee Launches Park 'had criticized the measure, expressing concerns about traffic and parking, as well as on any shopping center. The vote classroom was preceded by an open debate in the illustration of the measure by Mario Viano (Councillor for Urban Planning): "This modification to the Master Plan classifies the area as a former lance" Scope of reorganization, "acknowledging the presence of artifacts architectural merit and historical value to be preserved for at least 50%, albeit with the necessary changes of use. Between what will be preserved and new buildings there will be an increase in built-up areas but you will get the protection of items of high value and historical documentary. There was extensive discussion on this, even with a committee of citizens, and this dialectic has also produced some adjustments to the measure. " Maria Teresa Silvestrini (PRC): "The redevelopment of the former Lance is necessary and that is positive retain 50% of existing architectural structures, but we believe that design choices have been taken into account, rather than the interests of society, those of property developers. The project is oversized, and involves an increase in capacity edificatoria unjustified, which will deliver significant revenue to the operator, compared to only 2.5 million to the City. The increased load will be unbearable for the urban poor allocation of services, roads, parking lots and the overall quality of the environment. " Piera Levi-Montalcini (PD): "It 'been more than a year after the approval in Council of the proposed resolution and its goal in the Red Room. I wanted the Planning Commission, which has extensively debated the issue by performing a site visit was made ​​more participatory decision-making, and even heard by the Board. This modification to the Plan will launch a settlement of 56 thousand square meters and 2500 inhabitants, with an impact on traffic that will be examined very carefully. " Ferraris M. John (Moderate): "Although we agree the project is still some confusion regarding the quality of life of the area in question. One concerns the impact on traffic: Although studies have been made, it is a problem that should not be underestimated. Furthermore, the exploitation of every square meter made ​​available by the operator responsible for conducting the operation must be balanced with commitment and positive impact on the area as, for example, the redevelopment of Belleville that for too many years experienced a situation of severely degraded. " Carossa Mario (Lega Nord): "This is yet another episode that sees the administration to sell off parts of the city to cash. These operations, which re-calls going on for a long time without being supported by an urban general plan of reorganization. You do not listen to the citizens who elected and continue straight on your way ". Roberto Ravello (NA-PDL): "I would like to reiterate the principle that underlies all operations of the Administration must move towards the collective interest. Rehabilitate degraded areas means improving the quality of life. But in this case we are not certain that the transformation of urban bears real benefit to the citizens. The issue will be discussed and we are still open to dialogue but we do not accept or blackmail or threats. " He concluded the commissioner Viano, "The project was constructed based on the protection of the public. The standard protection planning is a result of a long and noble history. All our operation is strictly in accordance with this standard. The margins are tight and negotiation in each case, inspired by a principle of fairness ". The measure was adopted by 28 votes in favor, 4 against and three abstentions. Councillors voted against the Communist party member, abstained, while the Northern League team. Mayor favorable, PD, Mixed Group of the majority, Democratic Left, Moderates, the new left for Turin, Italy of Values. FI-PDL, PDL-AN and UDC did not participate in the voting.

Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer
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