Some nice writing there with a good story.... however...
You don't need to go to the airport to get race fuel and I am not sure A1 Jet fuel would be any good in a internal combustion engine either given it is designed not to vaporise nor combust when it is vapor. What is more likely is there is a drum of this in the corner of the garage + a hand or 12v pump:
Secondly, I am not sure I believe the two spark plug theory either and if it did need it, you would just use a pre-warmer: Finally, nothing about these cars is "original". They will all be thrown together race cars in a darkened service area when some vital component has failed and a replacement is hastily cobbled together. It is a shame this "originality" is stopping the owner using it as it was meant to be. A new gearbox is also not needed if something brakes. Just take it out, get a machinist to make you a new one and stick it back in. What the owner is talking about is preserving a time capsule of a car after it finished its last event.
My view is competition cars should be used and abused in front of the biggest crowd possible. That after all is why they were created and was/is their only function in life.