Everything has pretty much come to a halt with this project.
I was in Italy until February 25th when we returned to the UK ay short notice. There was 1 death in our local town of 3,300 inhabitants , Vo Euganeo some 5kn from our house during the previous week and then the town was locked down on Saturday 23rd Feb.
The town is of course still locked down (as is the whole of Italy of course ) but there were articles in last weeks FT and Times about Vo because there are now no cases of CV 19 there. On lockdown the whole of the town was tested and approx. 9% of inhabitants were found to be infected, 50% of whom were asymptomatic. Tests were conducted on everyone again 2 weeks later and today as I say the town is virus free having had just the one death very early on.
We came back to the UK thinking we would be here till March 17th ( how stupid does that sound now!) but of course we will be here till June at least.
So no progress on the B21S on my mechanical side as everything is in Italy.
However the body of the car is painted inside and out ( and looks lovely) and is in SW France just waiting to be transported to the trimmers just down the road. The wings and wheels are not painted yet but this should happen this week. Then after trimming, wings and wheels with new tyres on and a polish then I can think about getting it back to our house in Italy for me to refit etc.
I will try to put some photos up later.
My Lancia time in the UK as you will have seen is given over to trying to pass on surplus spare parts at advantageous prices to LMC Club members in an effort to make space and tidy my garages up. Its going well but things I thought would sell quickly and easily haven't and vice versa.
An example is tinted glass for 4th series B20 which I have never seen for sale elsewhere.. No takers much to my surprise.
This is where ebay as a last resort can help. The prices achieved on ebay are usually higher than I would have accepted through the LMC Forum.