Author Topic: ARB Cotton reel bushes - NIGHTMARE  (Read 3441 times)

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ARB Cotton reel bushes - NIGHTMARE
« on: 02 August, 2019, 06:25:57 PM »
Hi ,
Am replacing my rather worn ARB rear bushes , have come to the cotton reel bushes on the top of what i'd call the drop link , and am stumped , I just can't seem to get them in  , just wondering if there is technique , trick , tool , or am I just not using enough brute force , any advise on the matter would be gratefully appeciated . So far I've focus on the standard square on threaded rod / vice methods , however they just seem to get to a point were nothing has happened except the bush deforms , just cant the lip to go into the drop link , and i give up before I feel it is going to tear the lip off .
Guidance much appreciated - Steve   


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Re: ARB Cotton reel bushes - NIGHTMARE - resolved
« Reply #1 on: 03 August, 2019, 06:14:53 PM »
Well - problem resolved , it was the threaded bar technique that was causing the issue - works for metal cased bushes , however seems that the bar down the centre prohibits the rubber bush from deforming enough to slip through drop link .  Ended up just pushing it through and in with the vice , changed to silicone spray for lube as well which seemed to help , a few deft pushes with a screwdriver & done . All new ARB bushes throughout and the set up is far tighter, all the slop has gone , plus changed the shocks and first impression is that it's a lot tighter in the rear - just need to do the same for the front .


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Re: ARB Cotton reel bushes - NIGHTMARE
« Reply #2 on: 04 August, 2019, 10:52:08 AM »
Hi Steve
Everyone will have their own method that works for them. I have found one way that works for me is to use a length of studding as you suggested, with a flat plate/washer each end. grease the inside of the link (preferably rubber grease) tighten the nuts and when the bush distorts slightly put a wide band hose clip around the lip and that will compress it and with more tightening of the nuts it should slide in. You will need a larger diameter tube or socket on the opposite end to allow the bush to exit the eye of the link.
Good Luck
1600 HF. S2.

Michael Tryton

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Re: ARB Cotton reel bushes - NIGHTMARE
« Reply #3 on: 07 August, 2019, 09:12:49 AM »
Any pictures available to help us visualise methods described?