I’m having a workshop clear out and all my Lancia parts have to go. I figured I’d post them here for a week or two before they go on eBay. Including:
Complete 818.303 engine £600
818.303 engine in bits £400
818.630 gearbox £200
Solex carbs £150
Rear screen £60 (lots of other glass available)
Set of instruments £30 (I have 3 sets)
Set of seat runners £10
Offside door lower repair panel £40
Set of bumpers £40
Loads of chrome trim – looks to be about one and a half car’s worth £200 (or individual pieces)
Carburettor drip tray £10
Or make me an offer
Loads of other bits. Pics here:
https://photos.app.goo.gl/mfMdUecqmY1bGiT38Some parts in the pictures have already gone.