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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #300 on: 26 September, 2024, 09:25:21 PM »
Yes, we took it up there last Saturday which was a nice but quite sad last 100 mile trip in it.
I have had to make the hard choice to sell one car and the Dedra was the one to fall, my Delta integrale had even more work to get roadworthy and was a childhood dream to own so I absolutely can't bring myself to sell that and this Summer I bought a Maserati 3200GT which again was a car I'd admired since they were new but never thought I'd own and it is a fantastic thing, plus the Flavia coupe is finally looking like it will make it back on the road so the Dedra ended up being surplus to requirements despite my Wife saying it is by far the nicest one to ride in, the seats are very comfortable I must say!

The Dedra has been takn to sell, not just try and get a high price so it has a very low reserve of approximately half what the seat retrim cost me! So it will sell I'm sure even at the low guide price, so someone will get a fairly well fully sorted car in the desirable turbo version too.
Flavia 815 coupe
Delta integrale


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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #301 on: 28 September, 2024, 09:05:37 AM »
I thought he rather down played just how much work it has had done to it. If I had any space inside to store it I'd be in there bidding.


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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #302 on: 17 October, 2024, 05:19:11 PM »
Someone got a bargain anyway  :o :o
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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #303 on: 18 October, 2024, 08:12:39 AM »
Sold for double estimate...
Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #304 on: 18 October, 2024, 09:48:56 AM »
But perhaps half what a really good one in Europe might have made. I notice it was only 10% more than a similarly aged, MOT failed, Audi Quatro. It's the old "supply and demand" equation with the emphasis very much on the "demand" side. Someone got a fabulous car for a very reasonable price.


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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #305 on: 18 October, 2024, 09:55:13 AM »
Worth every penny, but that seems a good price for a late Lancia at Matthewsons. I did worry that it would only fetch half that, which would have been tantamount to theft.......
1979 1300 Beta Coupe, 2014 Ypsilon 1.2 S Series Momo


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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #306 on: 18 October, 2024, 01:38:01 PM »
Worth every penny, but that seems a good price for a late Lancia at Matthewsons. I did worry that it would only fetch half that, which would have been tantamount to theft.......
What did it go for please?
Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #307 on: 18 October, 2024, 08:56:10 PM »
Worth every penny, but that seems a good price for a late Lancia at Matthewsons. I did worry that it would only fetch half that, which would have been tantamount to theft.......
What did it go for please?

Hammer down at £6,800 Brian.
Overall it's about the figure I hoped for, between 5 and 6k I thought ought to be achievable, getting so near to 7k was a good result for an auction.
I had the car advertised in a few places with very, very little interest if I'm being honest, 2 or 3 viewings over 3 months or so with not one offer shows that although it is a great car, as Derek pointed out, the potential queue of buyers just isn't there unlike for anything Ford or German, comes down to fashion and the percieved desirability of certain cars. Lets face it, there's no way the frankly agricultural Mk2 Escort should be a £50k car but there's a huge rose tinted nostalgia for them, so the price shoots up. There's not a single thing they do better than the Dedra, aside from maybe a rear wheel slide out f a roundabout yet they command crazy prices. I remember getting them for a few hundred quid as nobody wanted them, should have filled a barn up!
As for the service provided and result by Mathewsons I can't fault them. They can only promote the car so much but if the buyers aren't there then they can't perform miracles. There's no logic to say that any potential buyers from other auctions weren't aware of the cars sale, they promote the cars well on the website with 40+ of there own pictures, a walk round video that is also available via youtube, even a sale preview on youtube where the Dedra was touted as a car to beadmired according to a friend who follows there social media stuff.
The Y10 they sold for me likewise achieved a decent result, well promoted and all done in a friendly simple format, very much the business is done in the traditional family ways where good service is valued. I have sold other cars via other classic car auctions and haven't felt that way, more business like and formal rather than how they are at Mathewsons, a serious business but run in a friendly manner.

I agree that someone (anyone on here?) has got a bargain in as much as to "build" that car you just couldn't do for that figure. Roughly speaking the car cost £2k to buy, paint was £2.5k, interior an eye watering £4k+!, wheels and tyres another grand, turbo rebuild and exhaust another £500 or so, engine rebuild parts like rings/shells/gaskets/clutch/belts etc was another £1k or so, then you figure parts out like the new intercooler/water radiator/suspension parts/powder coating/brake parts etc that easily totalled another £1,500+  so there's £11,500 off the top of my head which means there is most likely another grand or two in parts I've forgotten about! New windscreen for example, another £200 or so.
You'll notice too there's not a penny of labour as I did it all myself, i you had to pay for it to be done then it would be a wildy different story!

So yes in a way it has been purchased well for about half what I have spent on it, but then it's now in well enough condition so it will go on for many a year to come, so there's satisfaction that another one has been saved.
Flavia 815 coupe
Delta integrale


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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #308 on: 19 October, 2024, 07:54:10 PM »
Worth every penny, but that seems a good price for a late Lancia at Matthewsons. I did worry that it would only fetch half that, which would have been tantamount to theft.......
What did it go for please?

Hammer down at £6,800 Brian.
Overall it's about the figure I hoped for, between 5 and 6k I thought ought to be achievable, getting so near to 7k was a good result for an auction.
I had the car advertised in a few places with very, very little interest if I'm being honest, 2 or 3 viewings over 3 months or so with not one offer shows that although it is a great car, as Derek pointed out, the potential queue of buyers just isn't there unlike for anything Ford or German, comes down to fashion and the percieved desirability of certain cars. Lets face it, there's no way the frankly agricultural Mk2 Escort should be a £50k car but there's a huge rose tinted nostalgia for them, so the price shoots up. There's not a single thing they do better than the Dedra, aside from maybe a rear wheel slide out f a roundabout yet they command crazy prices. I remember getting them for a few hundred quid as nobody wanted them, should have filled a barn up!
As for the service provided and result by Mathewsons I can't fault them. They can only promote the car so much but if the buyers aren't there then they can't perform miracles. There's no logic to say that any potential buyers from other auctions weren't aware of the cars sale, they promote the cars well on the website with 40+ of there own pictures, a walk round video that is also available via youtube, even a sale preview on youtube where the Dedra was touted as a car to beadmired according to a friend who follows there social media stuff.
The Y10 they sold for me likewise achieved a decent result, well promoted and all done in a friendly simple format, very much the business is done in the traditional family ways where good service is valued. I have sold other cars via other classic car auctions and haven't felt that way, more business like and formal rather than how they are at Mathewsons, a serious business but run in a friendly manner.

I agree that someone (anyone on here?) has got a bargain in as much as to "build" that car you just couldn't do for that figure. Roughly speaking the car cost £2k to buy, paint was £2.5k, interior an eye watering £4k+!, wheels and tyres another grand, turbo rebuild and exhaust another £500 or so, engine rebuild parts like rings/shells/gaskets/clutch/belts etc was another £1k or so, then you figure parts out like the new intercooler/water radiator/suspension parts/powder coating/brake parts etc that easily totalled another £1,500+  so there's £11,500 off the top of my head which means there is most likely another grand or two in parts I've forgotten about! New windscreen for example, another £200 or so.
You'll notice too there's not a penny of labour as I did it all myself, i you had to pay for it to be done then it would be a wildy different story!

So yes in a way it has been purchased well for about half what I have spent on it, but then it's now in well enough condition so it will go on for many a year to come, so there's satisfaction that another one has been saved.
Such a shame Kevin, I wish I'd still been in the market.
However as you said, the demand isn't there these days.
But if you got  near to what you were prepared to let it go for!
I wonder who the lucky new owner is?
8227 8)
Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #309 on: 21 October, 2024, 08:04:02 AM »
I'm glad you have had good service at Matthewsons Kevin, I wasn't having a go at them, but a number of Lancias sold there have achieved only mediocre prices. This is I think, and as you point out, down to their audience, who are generally more focused on British cars.
1979 1300 Beta Coupe, 2014 Ypsilon 1.2 S Series Momo


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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #310 on: 21 October, 2024, 10:13:09 AM »
From observing the tv series it would seem anything with the blue oval on is worth serious amounts of money even something basic like a 1.3 MK2 Escort. I guess until you actually drove said Escort you would feel like you had got a good deal.
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Re: Dedra turbo H630 XGN
« Reply #311 on: 21 October, 2024, 11:19:32 AM »
Another point is that the current market is down at least 30% if not more, even higher up the scale which was once seen as bullet proof. Also most of B&C episodes are pre or during covid when prices were at their highest, even the blue circle which only commands high values in the UK, have lost their shine, with only the very rarest and best getting decent money.
Julian Wood, Kingston, London