Hi Chris,
Sorry but I believe if you tell the tale enough times it becomes the perceived truth, & if you can frighten the daylights out of people in the process, all the better;
I wouldn't class the former Conservative Chancellor Nigel Lawson as a flat earther, but in his book "An appeal to Reason" while pointing out he's no scientist, he challenges the way the IPCC has manipulated, extrapolated & projected questionable Science.
Patrick Moore has also criticised "Green Peace" and it's now left wing political agenda, there are many scientists who would disagree with your view of an overwhelming Scientific concensus by the the very people who are winding up the scaremongering, many who have research grants & are funded by the Pro Global warming lobby so their hardly impartial either.
We are now told that there would be a cooling off period of ten years then things would revert to Global warming, how come none of the many models on climate change haven't previously shown this coming? Do we get another change of story in 10 years time if the now anticipated warm up doesn't occur?.
Sorry about my mistake regarding MPs pay, I really meant to highlight the latest con that the speaker is trying to push through
of rewarding dishonesty & evasion by upping there salary (A proposed £23,000 PA, what sort of % is that, certainly more than 2-3%) doing away with their expense & stitching things up so we won't be able to get the figures on who's spending what, the speaker has already spent £200,000 of taxpayers money to try to stop the figures being published, anyone would think they had something to hide!
Yes it was a Conservative who was found out and named by his own party, pity the CPS chose not to prosecute for whatever reason, just have a look at some of the more recent ones, Tony Blair, John Prescott Margaret Beckett, to name just a few.
Oh for the days when people served their country as an MP for the honour and no doubt Kudos rather than this current crop who seem to be only interested in the money. in those days MP's sat through the night or however long it took to do the business, unlike the reduced hours & no nights now.
As MP's can no longer make many decisions but only rubber stamp bills from Brussels, how about we get rid of 50% of them, then perhaps they might deserve a pay increase.
With the USA, India and China having no intentions of playing the green game whatever we do will have no significant effect whatsoever, all we are doing is destroying our own industry & economy.
Oil has always been a finite source but it doesn't stop people revising the estimates whenever new sources are found, technology moves on and previous deposits that one time were considered to be inaccessible are no longer, so it's a moving target & with the best will in the world Peak oil estimate is at best, a guess.
How long will it be before it is economical to start using our vast deposits of coal to ease the situation.
I don't want anyone to take my share of the pain if that is what it comes down to, but I think there would be a certain justice in those who have profited exceedingly well from the price hike to find themselves on the paying end of the equation.
As for there being many people in Rural areas with limited incomes I can personally vouch that that is the case, retired & on a fixed income is not my idea of fun and due, once again to our friends in the money markets a few years ago, it's a damned sight less that it was supposed to be. And whether or not some people chose to live in Rural areas, for many it wasn't a choice, but they still have the same problems as those who did.
To End.
If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck & walks like a duck you'll probably find out as in Hans Christain Andersens story, it's not a duck at all!