Notin tech. thread but I knew it was somewhere....
I increased my fast idle jets to 60 via 55 with considerable improvement. I am consideering increasing the main jets as well but currently am doing the bodywork. I think it well worth your while experimenting, jets are cheap...
" Re: Carburettor tuning
« Reply #16 on: 22 October, 2012, 03:45:35 PM »
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Hello David
I have been following the posts about your engine faltering on pick-up with some interest, as I experienced similar symptoms. Having now seen that you have exhausted alternative suggestions, it is perhaps time to throw in my tuppence worth......
I am convinced that the viscosity and volatility of current petrols is so different to that of 40 years ago that the behavour of the fuel in Solex carbs is different from what the factory developed. Admittedly both my 1600 Fulvias have altered ports and manifolds from standard, but on both cars I found idle was fine and main-jet running was good, but to get an adequate pick-up, the fast idle jet had to be significantly increased from the standard 50. On one car I am using size 55 and the other, size 60 (states of engine tune/distributor advance curve/spindle wear etc. are different), but both now give good instantaneous pick-up. I had to do similar alterations on the 1300 engine, too.
Italian Carburetors of Corlo, Ferrara, Italy can supply new Solex jets in most sizes for a very reasonable amount, and offer a good service. The url is : can also supply the diaphragms - which do seem to harden with age / degrade with modern fuels. With the carbs off to fit the diaphragms, take the opportunity to try and adjust the drop rods to ensure the activation arm moves the same amount for each diaphragm. Good luck.
Regards - Roddy
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Roddy Young
Dunfermline, Fife "