From the club organising team, Mark, Justin & myself, we would like to thank all the team for their efforts to making the show as great success and putting all together in a relatively short time with the very willing car owners.
Thanks to David Melluish for bring the club’s exhibition materials to the NEC assisting Mark in the banner tower assembly and the carpet laying, all the car owners Alan Temple, Adrian Donovan, Nick Benwell, Tanc Barrett and Martyn Everett stepping in late to provide a car last week.
Also thanks to Steve and Margaret Gales for the providing the club snacks to put on the table for the three days and helping on the set up days, Mark would have struggled without his assistance to get the D24 plinth installed and completed for the show opening. All the various members who staffed the stand on each day, John Millham, Frank Gallagher, Fred Anderson, Philip Day, Paul Bishop, David Mirolo, Stuart Wilkinson, and the decomm team on Sunday, David returned in his van with Nick Webster and the owners plus families who allowed to strip the club stand in record time. Also thanks to Steve Pilgrim for providing the show cards and Sarah Heath-Brook for the spare Viva Lancia and the latest membership forms.
An excellent team effort and we signed up around a dozen new or lapsed members, spoke to many current members and prospective members.