The purpose of this thread is really for me to share, vent and make pleas for help as I live with my '91 Dedra.
The car was recently bought from another LMC member and is a good solid and well-loved example of a Series 1 Dedra 2.0ie. Of course like any car that is approaching 20 years old it wears evidence of its mileage, some of this adding patina and some of this forming my rolling to-do list.
Already within a week I've benefited enormously from the collective knowledge of the LMC in beginning to repair and maintain my Dedra and I'll try to share in particular any unusual jobs as I tackle them, in the hope that fellow Dedristi might find them useful.
So here is the car:

J197GMM is a nice original car with no modifications, and not really likely to get any either unless they improve the dynamics of the car without compromising it's character and luxurious feel. At the time of writing 119,000 miles are showing on the odometer and this is believed to be genuine and correct.
I've tackled a few things already, as the car had a few quirks, issues and niggles:
*Car would not start and idle when cold without being nursed on the throttle *DONE - CLEANED ICV*
*Heater would not adjust between hot and cold *DIAGNOSED*
*Several dash and in-car illuminations not working *DONE - NEW BULBS AND SOME SOLDERING*
*Headrests would not adjust *DONE - ADJUSTED MOUNTINGS*
*Previous owner had removed speakers and head unit and so I needed to fit mine *DONE - FITTED*
*Wheels showing typical Dedra lacquer-lift *NEED WHEELS AND TYRES OR REFURB AND TYRES*
*Corrosion below fuel filler flap *NEED WING AND PAINT*
*Corrosion on OSF wing *NEED WING AND PAINT*
*OSR central locking motor inoperative *NEED NEW MOTOR*
*Electric aerial mast inoperative *NEED NEW AERIAL*
*Front tyres and spare will require replacement due to wear within 5000 miles or before MOT *SEE WHEELS*
*Rear discs and pads will require replacement due to corrosion and wear within 5000 miles or before MOT *NOT STARTED*
For a 17 year old Italian car, in fact scratch that... For *any* 17 year old car with over 118,000 miles on the clock I think that is a pretty minimal list of jobs... and rectification of all of these things will over time result in a really nice example of the marque. This is definitely a Dedra worth putting some time, effort and money into!
Time to get stuck in then...
After giving the car a good wash, wax, hoover and clean inside I felt more that it was mine, and wanted to admire it a little and then get my hands dirty with the repairs.

Firstly I flipped the headrests out of the seats and aligned the mounting posts so that the headrests would adjust... resulting in aesthetically attractive headrest position and more comfort

I had found in the glovebox a few things that piqued my interest, I immediately refitted the glovebox lamp and lens... which made me happy (instant gratification always good... when something is in bits I often, with hope in my heat, reassemble to find out why it was taken apart... on this occasion simply putting it back together was all that was needed!), and I found a new LMC tax disc holder. After peeling off the Kwik Fit jobbie in the window and cleaning off the residual glue (fun!) I popped the LMC item on there and it looked neat from the outside and smart from the inside.
From this...

To this...

I'd decided to fit plain plates to the car instead of the "Debra The Dedra" ones that the PO had on there. These were cleaned and stored, as I think they're part of the story of the car even if I'm not going to display them myself.

I had an investigate of the electric aerial and it wasn't connected up, my little heart leapt... but even once the stereo was installed and the wires were connected up I was not able to coax it into life... one for another day. It receives stations perfectly (Radio 4) but doesn't retract... I'm sure that a "yoot" will snap it off so I've mentally filed a £39.00 sized request for a new one.

The starting and idling problem was resolved by removing the idle control valve from the car, blowing it through with air and carb cleaner and then filling it with WD-40 and leaving it to soak in... another blow through with air and a further mist of WD-40 and it was ready to refit.
Advice and guidance from LMC and Lancisti members much appreciated, along with the fab Dutch chap that sent me through pdf wiring diagrams and a factory manual (admittedly in Italian... but helped me enough to suss out the Weber injection system and diagnose the issue).
Holy mother of god, it worked!!!

Moving along, I removed 5,000,000 screws and took apart the heater controls and reached the conclusion that I didn't have a clue what to do about that... replaced some bulbs, soldered some broken wires and re-assembled the dash (the drivers side vent is a sod to reassemble and route the wire so that it doesn't rub or restrict the vent flap mechanism... bloody Italians...).

Some advice and extremely useful diagrams followed from Brian and I've now diagnosed a faulty heater control assembly... some more stripping and hopefully repair will remedy this, in the interim it's a hands and knees job to reach up and mix the hot/cold...

I've still got plenty to tackle... tonight has seen me stripping the front door to get the window switch out and discovering to my chagrin that the window switch illumination is not easily repaired (anyone know how to replace a bulb in this? Seems like a sealed unit???), so I moved to the back of the car...
I was able to diagnose that the wiring and power is intact on the OSR door and it's the central locking motor that has failed, whilst I was in there I replaced the bulb in the OSR and NSR ashtrays and the rear heater outlet... sadly it's the same story for illumination on the OSR window switch but I was chuffed to restore glow to the ashtrays and vent.

At this point in the evening I had a serendipitous moment as Steve (Steve Thompson, previous owner) called to say he'd dug out some Dedra spares from his garage and in there was a CL motor and a front window switch assembly! This is great and I'm looking forward to getting these (and some other spares for the shelf) and getting them on the car.
So after a wash and a leather down and a quick hoover and wipe down of my finger marks from the trim (latex glove dust... meh) it was time to hop in and go get some petrol and some odds and ends from Tesco... lovely to see the fully illuminated dash....

So that's it... first week with my Dedra and I've bonded with it already. Still missing my Prisma, but the refinement of the Dedra is ample compensation...
So long old friend