My series 1 Thema turbo continues to baffle me with it's bizarre electrical behaviour so I would appreciate some feed back if anyone out there has come across a similar problem. I am currently on holiday abroad but the day that I left the UK the car on two occasions completely failed to respond to the ignition key [no lights or gauges came on and the starter would not turn the engine,not even a click]. There seemed to be no problem with the battery as the interior light and radio continued to work. I fiddled about with the ignition switch, turning the key round the other way etc in case the steering lock tumblers were sticking but this did'nt seem to make any difference and was on the point of giving up and calling out the RAC on both occasions when at my next attempt bingo!! We suddenly had normal working check lights ,ignition and a running engine. I headed for home and switched to my wife's car to get us to Gatwick so that we could make our flight but am going to need to get the old girl going next week as I'm back to work to pay for this weeks frivolity. Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Regards, Sunburned Murf.